Dr. Jerry Farrell on Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is that dentistry that is just bringing out the gorgeous in a person. I mean, it’s that smile that’s like,“Wow!” It’s the smile that straightens out their face and balances things that they’re proud of.
The real meaning of cosmetic dentistry has to do with simply what do I got to do so that I can have that, “Man, your smile is gorgeous and becoming,” and straightens out problems that you’ve had maybe your whole life. There’s lots of ways to get that done, depending on your time and your patience and your budget but sometimes, we do it. The quick fix with laminates, sometimes it’s more complicated related to breakdown and crowns. Sometimes the best way to do it is orthodontically, but we can’t.
The goal is the same. It’s how gorgeous can we get this? How pretty, how becoming, how handsome can we get this? Then you show them some, if you’re really into that, the beauty part of it, I’m like, “Here’s a diagnostic wax-up. Here’s a million variations.“ We got a lot of different directions that we can go here but the goal is gorgeous.