It’s time to start cleaning up! The official start of Spring is just around the corner. (We just hope it’s warm when that day arrives.)
Spring is a time of renewal. For many people, it’s an opportunity to take on new projects or to get things back in order. Spring cleaning can set the stage for a productive and healthy remainder of the year.
When you look at your smile, you may not see the effects of plaque and tartar buildup right away, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Knowing this, we welcome and encourage you to schedule a Spring dental cleaning and exam at our Johnson City, NY dental office.
Just like you need regular household chores to keep your house in order, you also need routine oral care to keep your smile looking its best.
Let Dr. Jerry Farrell and the rest of our team help you help yourself. Call 607-304-3993 today to schedule a checkup soon.
A Little Effort Goes A Long Way
Most people understand that keeping a house or a mouth clean require regular care.
At your home, you vacuum and dust regularly. You pick up from time to time to keep from tripping on clothes, shoes, and anything else that may have been left on the floor and forgotten. You may do a little more when you know guests are coming over, and you may even do a big cleaning once a year to get rid of things you no longer want or use.
For your smile, brushing and flossing are the daily maintenance you do to keep harmful bacteria and plaque under control. Even if you are consistent with your oral hygiene habits, you can still experience plaque and tartar buildup. This is why you need regular dental cleanings and exams by a dental professional.
We can remove that buildup to prevent problems. Alternately, if you already have signs of decay or gum infections, we can step in to take care of it before you develop long-term oral health problems.
Reinforce Your Smile
You’ve heard the saying that the best time to fix a leaky roof is when the sun is shining. In a similar way, the best time to make your teeth stronger is when they are healthy.
During your dental visits, ask us about other services that can help you keep your teeth intact.
Dental sealants can act as a protective barrier that keeps harmful bacteria from attacking your teeth. Fluoride treatment can help in a different way. This mineral can make your teeth stronger by repairing minor damage and making them more resistant to cavities.
If you have any athletes in your family, you also should ask about getting an athletic mouthguard from our office. Athletes who wear mouthguards are 60 times less likely to suffer dental injuries during practices and games. And custom-fitted mouthguards (which we can make for you) provide better protection and are more comfortable to wear than the kinds you can get in stores.
Give Yourself An Upgrade
Many homeowners use their Spring cleaning to help prepare for a home improvement project. Your dental cleaning can be your jumping off point to make your smile better, too.
With the help of cosmetic dentistry, you could have the smile of your dreams. We have a variety of services that can make your teeth whiter, straighter, and more.
If you are dealing with damaged or missing teeth, be sure to ask about our restorative services. Our natural-looking teeth replacements can give you renewed confidence in your smile and in your ability to bite and chew the foods that you really want to eat.
Keep Smiling
Regular dental cleanings and exams are just for today. They can keep your smile looking great for many years to come. Dr. Farrell and our team in Johnson City is ready to help however we can.
Contact us online or call 607-304-3993 to request your next dental appointment with us.
Visit Dr. Jerry Farrell
We can see you as soon as tomorrow!