Missing teeth reduces your quality of life. You aren’t able to talk or laugh without wondering if people notice the gaps in your smile. You also can’t chew the same foods you used to love. That’s where dental implants come in! We can replace one or several missing teeth with implants that function like your natural tooth roots. You can also secure your dentures to implants too!
If you have strong jawbone health, we can perform a traditional implant procedure in our office. He can also discuss alternative options such as mini dental implants or even a bone grafting procedure to strengthen your jaw.
Dental implants give you back what your smile is missing! Dr. Farrell has nearly 30 years of experience placing and restoring implants, so you can trust him with your smile.
Call Dr. Jerry Farrell – Family & Reconstructive Dentistry at 607-304-3993 to request your next appointment in Johnson City, NY, or schedule online.
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